Blondes in the summer need not worry about sun and bleach combo damage. Sun In can be a blondes best friend.
Alright so your hair is growing and it's finally healthy, but your roots aren't anywhere close to the tone of the platinum blonde hair you rock. Fear not Sun In is here! (depending on the shade of your hair as I suggest only dirty blondes or lighter use this product to match roots 100% to bleach, other than that its great for anyone or any hair colour. (Dark browns and blacks will just find more of a lightened brassy bronzey brown look, Red will go orange before you are done as this is a gradual process).
Everyday take a shower and coat your roots alone in Sun In while your hair is still damp, proceed to brush or comb it through your strands. At this point taking a hair dryer on a hot or warm setting to the parts of your hair coated in the product will be beneficial for the lightening effects it has.
Before! (Sorry for blurriness) |
Sun In uses Hydrogen Peroxide within it formula as a mild bleaching agent to lighten your hair gradually and less damaging than bleach itself over time.
After: five days: of use on my roots
With reapplications through out the day when needed |
Bleach activates much better when used with heat or a plastic bag on the head to keep heat in at least. For the same reason Sun In works much much much better with your warm or hot setting on your hair dryer as the heat sets and activates it more. But because of this..:.
Be careful! This product can be very damaging if not used in proper conjunction with hydrating shampoos, conditioners, oils, treatments and masques, etc.
This product will drain your Elastin no matter who you are and how your hair is for the day and the day after you use this product (give or take).
I highly recommend Argon (Moroccan) Oil full head, full over night treatments when using Sun In as this is what I do in conjunction with Red Kens Anti-Breakage Serum during my days in order to counter the Elastin loss your hair is experiencing (loss of Elastin is why hair breaks and not just stretches, ie. think of low Elastin hairs as elastics losing their stretch, just break).
$6.99 @ Shoppers Drug Mart!
P.S. I used the Super with Lemon =D
for the pictures above! |
Also be patient, let your hair bun out for any extended use of Sun In, I personally use the hair dryer with Sun In only once a week.