.... And if your like me, your 22 only just realizing, hey I'm not a teenager anymore and I need to clean up my act, I've never taking the time to wash my doll face off. Soooooo what's the problem, right? My skin is still great and youthful! Well were going to cover this issue, and start hitting the nail right on the head with this product......
I'm pushing this blog ahead of like 6 others I have on the go because this really really really, and yes I do mean really messed me up...
Alright so two days ago we had Jouviance training, thank God, because never have I ever, in all my Internet, blog, Youtube, forum, google after google, magazine, Talk Shows, etc. research never have I ever come across this tidbit of information......!
While our trainer was disguising the many benefits of the Jouviance product line, he mentioned one of the benefits of the Jouviance Micellular Solution..... But you must wait for that.....
New Appearance! |
I've only recently been made to even ponder this concept but when you don't take your make up off every so often, like every
night for instance, where did we actually think it was going..... UHOH!
Don't say it's being absorbed.......
Yup. So our trainer was going over a scenario in which someone has tried literally everything to treat their acne or other issues, he explained that some patients (of dermatologists of course) end up being recommended and prescribed to surgery in order to lift the Epidermis, up off of the Dermis, basically to physically see what's upsetting the skin from the point of origin. Surgeons have found the exact same thing in women they were doing face lifts and such on...
A freaking layer of all the foundations and makeup you haven't been removing!
Yummy right!
Great so now your face is all temporarily removed and now these dermatologists are going to scrape all that makeup and gunk off your Dermis. Sounds real pleasant.
So there's the down and dirty knitty gritty of what I learned about my past actions with not removing my make up. Now how can I do to counter or well basically extract what I may have done with out surgery?
Back to the the #Jouviance Micellular Solution, our trainer told us this scenario specifically because he was going over the fact that we may have clients return saying after using this product to wash their face, "oh it leaves a residue, leaves a film or texture, feels gross immediately after use, this product doesn't work"
Well ladies don't be freaked out, that is actually the solution drawing out and extracting that layer of makeup and foundations under your Epidermis. Gross right, well better out than in Shriek always said. I haven't had the opportunity to try this product yet as I have a few other I've already been trying and am finalizing my trials, but you guys better believe this is on my next try list.
If after using this product, you aren't feeling this film, residue, texture, etc, I'm gonna go on the positive assumption that you've been a good little face washer.
Thanks for reading, hope those of you who haven't started, start!
Healthy skin days people!